Invasion of the boy Snatchers was a classic american film which showed how the an american town had been taken over by alien life forms which took the shape of any human being whilst they where asleep, which led to the aliens taking over the town. This film really was a prime example of how the uncanny valley theory is portrayed. This is because the aliens who took the shape of a human being where unable to show any form of emotion and moved rather robotic and seemed very abnormal amongst the surroundings of the suburban town. At fist I found the story-line farfetched and quite out there, but it being a Sci-Fi film its suppose to be. but it won me over towards the end as you saw the loving couple fighting to keep there humanity and stop the aliens from consuming them. I had heard about this film before but had never actually got the chance to watch it but now i have, overall i think was a good watch.
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